

In the Moment ~ In My Kitchen

It's quiet in my nest today, and kind of grey outside. I feel this strange, sort of funny feeling... and then I realize what it is. It's PEACE. I'm not feeling anxious or annoyed. Not guilty or grumpy. Not particularly happy or unhappy. Just pure equanimity and contentment in the moment. Ahh. 
I'm drawn to my kitchen for a little simple, soulful cooking. Sweet and juicy, organic heirloom cherry tomatoes are slow roasting in the oven, with just a drizzle of olive oil, a grind of sea salt, and a sprinkle of dried basil.
Leftover herb-roasted chicken joins with homemade stock, leftover brown jasmine rice, and handfuls of just-harvested, baby lacinato kale from the garden. A couple spoonfuls of leftover pan gravy adds a bit of richness to my soup as it simmers away to perfection.
Sliced, creamy Toscano cheese, dusted with cinnamon (bless Trader Joes!), and fresh organic pears round out my feast-to-come. This will be lunch, enjoyed in the stillness that is NOW.

My little chicks will return to the nest in a couple of hours, and with a homework project to complete and a Girl Scouts awards ceremony on the schedule this evening, I know the peace and quiet is fleeting. The chaos of family life will resume soon enough. And I will be well nourished on wholesome food, and the gratitude of a slow, solitary day.

1 comment:

  1. word for yesterday and today is
    Eace too! Over and over again in my head :) love you!
