

A Timeline of My Day, In Pictures

This was yesterday... (a record of one ordinary day, as prompted by MamaScout in her e-lab, A Book About Me).
6:30 - Woke up. Made breakfast. Packed lunches. Kids off to school with their dad.
7:30 - Coffee at computer. Writing work.
 8:30 - Exercise video at home.
9:30 - Fresh juice (apple, orange, carrot, ginger). Head out to garden.
10:30 - Bring in harvest.
 10:45 - Run laundry. Pick-up house.
11:30 - Clean & prep morning harvest.
12:00 - Lunch (kale, quinoa & garlic salad with sliced avocado & tomatoes).
12:30 - Writing work. Nature journal course catch-up.
1:30 - Cycle laundry.
2:30 - Cup of jasmine green tea. Keep working.
4:30 - Girls home from school, with dad.
 5:30 - Prep dinner (breakfast night!).
 6:00 - Family meal.
 6:30 - Bath time.
7:30 - Bedtime stories by the fireplace.
8:30 - Tuck in girls. Check email and Facebook.
9:00 - Watch Homeland with my honey.
10:30 - Snuggle in to bed.

This was a powerful project, to see where my time goes in a typical day. I highly recommend trying it. Just jot down notes every hour or so, and snap some pictures throughout the day. You might be surprised what you learn!


  1. My day would not be as interesting or beautiful as yours. It would show a MESSY artist at work for the slobs out there though. ;)

  2. What a beautiful day full of good work!
