

Feathering the Nest ~ Dream Catcher Garlands

When I saw an eCourse titled Feathering the Nest on Skill It, I was smitten. And then, when Leah gave me this beautiful tutorial to share with you for Dream Catcher Garlands, I couldn't wait to make my own! I gathered up a selection of found feathers and shells, some repurposed material, and some herbs from the yard, and strung them up on twine. Dreamy, for sure!
Now I get to share this oh-so-lovely project with you! Find the tutorial here, and then when you want more (and you will!), head over to Feathering the Nest for details on the course - a two-week journey created to guide you into making your home a beautiful space that mirrors the love and dreams you hold in your soul.  
The course starts April 1st - and I'll be there (of course the Natural Nester wants to feather her nest!). Want to join me?
Get 15% off with the code "naturalnester"!
Here's a little of what's included:
Inspiring Exercises ~ Step by Step Tutorials ~ A Feng Shui & Home Chakra Map ~ Natural Cleaning Recipes ~ Much More!

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