

Spring Break, Day 5 :: A Global Farm Field Trip

I've been wanting to write about our final Spring Break adventure here since last Friday... but it was so much to take in, I honestly am just now processing it all. We took a field trip with a couple other "gardening families" to tour a global demonstration farm in a neighboring town. This working farm, ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization), offers demonstrations of plants, animals, and techniques for farmers and gardeners working in challenging habitats, from rural to urban to tropical. It was so inspiring and informative, exposing all of us to new, creative, and sustainable agriculture techniques. The kids enjoyed some parts more than others... among the favorites were: "tippy tap" hand washing stations, tropical leaf & fruit samples, and of course, the farm animals. For my littlest, it took a promise of ice cream later to get us through to the end.
But first, lunch... we all piled into an old-Florida style seafood shack and feasted on fresh-caught local crabs! It was really a perfect spring day that I can't stop thinking about.


Want to see more pictures from my ECHO Global Farm tour? Check out my full photo album for ideas on recycled planters, bamboo garden structures, interesting plants, and more... oh, and a few really cute kids too. 

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