

Countdown to Summertime!

It's May!! Here, we have less than 30 days until school is out  and we start Summer vacation... how about you? What are your plans? If you need a little guidance or inspiration this summer, consider joining in one - or better yet, both - of my summer nature ePrograms!
Read more about these unique ways to spend your summer here (nature camp) and here (nature journaling). Want to do both? Get them as a "Summer Nature Fun Bundle" here at 10% off!
And if you haven't already, be sure to sign up for my Mailing List to get the latest "news from my nest," including special promos! Just click here to sign up - it takes less than 30 seconds!
OK, enough self-promotion. But I do hope you'll join in some of the summer fun I'm cooking up! And I'll be back in this space next week.

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