

The Beauty in Life

It was a very full weekend. A sleepover. Two birthday parties. Mother's Day. Deadlines. Messes. Meltdowns (including my own). And yet, amidst all the chaos and craziness, so many blessings to count; so much abundance to appreciate; so much beauty to soak in, including...
A craft and photo shoot for the At-Home Summer Summer Nature Camp eCurriculum
(Make a Wishing Tree Basket) with my sweet girls. Verdict: kid-approved!
An oh-so-colorful Mother's Day harvest from the garden.
A beachside "diner en blanc" 40th birthday celebration for a dear friend.
Some backyard visitors.
I hope your weekend was full of
beauty, blessings, and simple delights.

1 comment:

  1. Love this, so full of colour, beauty and love!

    Thank you andwarm greetings from Holland,
    xx sas
