

4 Day Sale ~ Summer Fun Nature Bundle!

Are the summer days already looking really long? How about a summer nature fun bundle to help you get through! Today through Sunday, June 9th, you can purchase The At-Home Summer Nature Camp eCurriculum and the A Sense of Place: Summer Nature Journal eCourse for 20% off when purchased together as a Summer Fun Nature Bundle. That's a $60 value for only $47.99!

Something for the Kids.
Get 8 weeks of kid-friendly lessons, outdoor activities, indoor projects, arts & crafts, recipes, field trip ideas, book & media suggestions, and more in a full-color PDF you can read on your computer screen or tablet, or print out. Click here for more details.

What people are saying...

Thank you so much! I am so blown away by this... it is absolutely the best idea. I am excited to get started with it as soon as school's out! 

Stumbled upon your site last night, and ordered your book, At Home Summer Nature Camp. I was a little hesitant about the price, but once I read through it I was hooked! Very excited to try all the wonderful projects and field trips. Bonus is the book suggestions!!! Thank you!!

I found your website yesterday after searching DIY summer camp ideas. My daughter and I are so excited to get started and we are especially looking forward to stargazing and making those yummy popcorn treats! Thank you for putting this together...what a great idea!

Something for You.
Take a 6-week creative journey into nature and self as I guide you through the basics of keeping a seasonal nature journal. You'll learn to record your observations, perceptions, and feelings about the natural world around you during the summer months, while fostering a deeper sense of place. Click here for more details.

What past participants are saying...

I am already in tune with the natural world, but this class has helped me move my impressions out of my mind and onto the page (where I inevitably discover and learn more).

I attribute this course for my deeper appreciation for nature. I’ve always been an outside girl but this course changed my entire world.

I see things differently now, whenever I see a tree, or hear a bird, I think more... I know for sure that you helped me plant some nice seeds that will develop into nice walks in nature and good observation - for both me and my son.

What are you waiting for?
Summer is here... kick it off with a
Summer Fun Nature Bundle.

That's 8 weeks of nature-inspired activities for the whole family for only $6 a week!

Order Here
Use discount code "bundle" at checkout to save 20%!

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