

Making the Most of Summer in "la Florida"

Summer in my neck of the woods (southwest Florida) is stiflingly hot and humid. It's the season I dread the most, as we are actually inside more than out (unless we're hanging in the pool or Gulf). It's buggy and moist, too hot to garden, too hot to picnic, too hot to do many of the things that I enjoy most. So this summer, I'm trying something a little different...
As my main intention for my personal journaling (I participate along with my A Sense of Place eCourse), I'm setting my attentions on what is good, true, and beautiful about my native sunshine state. I'm consciously searching out all the beauty and wonder around me, attempting a shift in perception. One of the things I truly love about Florida is the year-round abundance of flowers! So last Friday, in honor of the Summer Solstice, my girls and I gathered as many flowers as we could from our own yard.
We made a jasmine vine wreath to hang inside, and wove in a sampling of bright and beautiful blooms, plus some fragrant fresh herbs.
We tucked others into a cheerful summer arrangement, along with some sunflowers brought home as a solstice gift by my sweet hubby.
And my eldest made herself an enchanting solstice crown too! In the end, we were happy we braved the bees, the mosquitoes, the fire ants, the humidity, and the blazing hot sun to bring some of the good and beautiful indoors to enjoy. If you get a chance, play with flowers this summer... it was fun!

**I'll be taking a short break from this space (and our family's At-Home Summer Nature Camp) as I recover from a surgical procedure I'm having at the end of this week. I'll be back here after July 4th! Meanwhile, please pop in and say hi over on Facebook, where I'll be hoping to see posts of others' adventures with the summer nature camp (or whatever you're up to)... please share !**

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