

At-Home Summer Nature Camp Fun + Mid-Summer Sale!

We've been gettin' in to it over here, following along with projects from the At-Home Summer Nature Camp eCurriculum...
"Local Fruit & Veggie Stamping" ~ An Edible Garden Week
"Pond Scum Smoothies" ~ Ponds & Frogs Week
"5 Little Speckled Frogs Craft" ~ Ponds & Frogs Week

This last project was mostly me. My youngest chose not to participate, and just painted instead. My eldest is still working on her [very creative, colorful] frogs. But I was strangely obsessed with creating my frogs on a log... I used a field guide for Florida amphibians to identify five native frogs to my area (all "speckled" types) and tried to recreate them. I just love these little guys!

Are you using the eCurriculum? If so, please share what you're in to on the A Natural Nester Facebook Page!

Want to join in? Save $5 on the At-Home Summer Nature Camp eCurriculum through Sunday 7/15. Use promo code: NATURE. Learn more, and order yours here.


  1. Your pictures are look beautiful.I especially like the one where the girls have their fingers in their ears, and your frogs all look happy and healthy.

  2. Hilarious! Love your frogs!!
