

2-for-1 :: A Sense of Place, a Nature Journal eCourse

As summer starts to wind down, I can feel subtle shifts announcing the changing season - dusk is arriving a little earlier each day; the insect orchestra is growing louder; and the air temperature is gradually dropping. I'm ready! This time every year, I begin to dream of pumpkins and pinecones, apple butter and bonfires, blazing sunsets and cool breezes... what about you? Are any signs of Autumn starting to show up in your natural world? Do you feel yourself being pulled toward the changing season?
Bursting with color and bustling with activity, fall is a perfect time to explore
& connect to the natural world around you with a seasonal nature journal.
Registration is now open for the fall session of
A Sense of Place, a nature journaling eCourse! 

Join me on a six-week journey into nature and self that will walk you through
 the basics of keeping a seasonal nature journal, including:
    ~ discovering and observing your place in nature,
    ~ learning to record your observations through words and images,
    ~ exploring your own personal forms of creative expression,
    ~ and journaling as a form of mindfulness.
    Plus, we'll be reveling in the season and all that's autumn with seasonal exercises
    and journaling prompts. This fall, we'll be exploring, observing, and recording:
sunrise & sunset ~ bird migration ~ seeds, leaves, & fungi
harvest foods ~ fall rituals & celebrations ~ and more!

I really want you to join me... so I'm running a
2-for-1 Special through September 3rd! 
Register for A Sense of Place between now and next Tuesday,
and bring a friend along for FREE (or you can split the cost between you).
Register yourself here and be sure to include your friend's email
address in the "instructions" area at check out.
*I will follow-up by email to confirm both attendees.*

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