

The Wintertime Family eGuide is Here + A Giveaway!

It's been a bit quiet on this space, as I've been busily working away at finalizing my latest family eGuide: Celebrations of Light. So it is with great excitement that I tell you today, it is now available for download!

I was joined by a really special group of bloggers in compiling this wintertime resource: Amy of Mama Scout, Stephinie of Gypsy Forest, Sarah of Imagine Childhood, Valarie of Jump Into a Book, Kara of Simple Kids, Heather of Shivaya Naturals, and Rose of The Laughing Monkey. {Plus there's a heartfelt introduction from Shawn of Awesomely Awake.} These creative mothers and writers offer inspiration and guidance for creating truly meaningful wintertime traditions of warmth and light that I know your family will love.
You can read all about the eGuide, and order yours, here.
And below is a little peek at what's inside:

There is so much goodness packed inside this eGuide - a full-color PDF - that you can pick and choose what resonates with your family, or do it all if you like! I truly feel there is something for everyone, no matter your cultural background or spiritual beliefs.

The Giveaway!
I'm really excited to share this resource, as it's something I so wish I had a few years back when I was working to bring more meaning to my family's wintertime traditions. So to celebrate, I'm giving away TWO copies of Celebrations of Light ~ A Wintertime Family eGuide!

Enter to win by leaving a comment here on this post, telling me one of your favorite wintertime, family traditions. Get another chance to win by sharing this post (or otherwise spreading the word) on Facebook or Twitter - be sure to leave another comment here to let me know you did it! A winner will be announced on Tuesday, Nov. 12. 


  1. One of our favorite things to do is sit by the fireplace and watch a movie together... while its snowing outside!

  2. We like to make natural bird treats (like peanut butter pinecones with seeds) and hang on trees outdoors instead of having a tree inside.

  3. The Colorado family that we are... skiing and a scenic drive through Rocky Mountain National Park to cut a Christmas Tree are always at the top of our "traditions list." Newer traditions of recent years have been winter bird feeders, Friendship Party in February, and Ice/bird feeder wreaths.

  4. We like to read winter and holiday themed stories and build puzzles (my aunt sends us a themed one almost every year!).
    This eguide looks like it would give us more ideas!

  5. I just shared on twitter!
    My name there is @lifeonisland

  6. Shared on google+ too :)
    (Can you tell I would love to win?!)!

  7. I love to make salt dough ornaments with my children. Followed by hot chocolate!

  8. I shared on Twitter, on Google+ and on Pinterest!

  9. Our family favourite tradition is to read one story a day about Christmas in the world. We have a book with 24 stories and after the children open their advent calendar and eat the chocolate, I read.

    (I shared on Facebook, too. Thanks).


  10. Our favorite activity is sitting around the table crafting together while the snow and wind blow!

  11. One of my favorite traditions is to hike up the mountain in the snow and sit with our hot cocoa and look down at all the christmas lights on the houses.
