

A Return to Art

I've been thinking a lot about art. Brought up by an artist mother, I was surrounded by - if not steeped in - art as a kid. I worked side-by-side with my mama in her home studio, dabbling in watercolor, pastels, charcoal... I sat through countless classes she taught at the community center... and we traveled weekend after weekend to art shows where she exhibited her art. However, by end-of-high school and on through college, my creative passion turned to the written word, where it has remained my main expressive outlet.
Aside from crafting with the kids, I haven't done much art in recent years. But I'm feeling drawn to draw lately. And to paint, cut, glue, and play on the page... An avid journaler, art journaling seems a natural fit for my initial foray back into the artistic realm. A place to unite my long-standing passion for writing with my childhood friend, art. So over the weekend, I broke out the paint and pastels; the stamps and scissors; the Mod Podge and markers. And I began to create my first real art journal. It's a work in progress... but one spread in, I'm hooked.

What role does art play in your life?

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