

On Busyness, Beauty and Blessings

That end-of-school-year, spring busyness is gaining momentum over here. But this year, it feels a little less frantic and a bit more fun. Despite a jam-packed calendar, I'm enjoying so much beauty and so many blessings all around me...
Although we were out of town for Mother's Day, my girls woke me up with a lovely "petit dejeuner" of fresh fruit, café au lait, croissants, a hard boiled egg, and chocolates. Bliss! It was a weekend of poolside fun, s'mores, and a special aunt's birthday celebration.
The girls are finishing up their school year with some great projects and honors. Selby grew crystals for the science fair (does temperature affect crystal growth - yes!), had art selected for a county-wide art show, and showcased her clay model of life in the Cambrian period for a Timeline of Life display at the school open house.
Sage shared her peaceful and beautiful kindergarten room at the open house, where she showcased a Six Kingdoms of Life diorama, and demonstrated Venn Diagram and Sink or Float lessons. I love all the thoughtful, sweet touches in her bright and cheery learning environment!
Meanwhile, at the homestead, I've been working in the garden, still enjoying bunches of spring greens and nurturing the beginnings of a summer crop: pumpkins, watermelon, pole & bush beans, tomatoes, herbs, peppers, eggplant, and lots of flowers! And we've been tidying up our nest: tackling household projects, clearing out, and cleaning up.
Despite all the busy...I'm taking time to enjoy the beauty and the many blessings of this family life and home we've created. Nourishing, delicious, clean food... happy, healthy kids totally engaged in learning and creating... a mindful and fun school environment that functions as a community... a garden that grows countless blessings... and a home filled with care and love.
As the season speeds up... don't forget to slow down and take stock.
I'd love to hear what beauty and blessings are capturing your attention right now!
Read more about being present, peaceful and playful in a slow, intentional way with the Abundant Mama #BanBusy challenge.


1 comment:

  1. I loved this post - especially Selby's magical domes! Here in the south of England I'm enjoying the beauty of late spring - fresh green leaves, warmer air, swifts returning from Africa to our tall Victorian school buildings. It's a school where my children thrive and feel challenged and have fun and lots of opportunities - and that's definitely a blessing!
