

Summer Kitchen :: Dairy-Free Mango Lassi

I've gone a bit mad for mangoes this summer. Like, I just can't seem to get enough. We've been enjoying mango salsa, mango-topped chia pudding, and mango chunked onto Thai-style noodle bowls with grilled shrimp and cilantro. And, a couple times a week, I'll blend up a quick 3-ingredient, dairy-free mango lassi. I swap the traditionally-used yogurt and milk for coconut water, as I've recently cut back on dairy consumption.
Low in calories, and packing a healthy, hydrating punch, this has become a go-to summer snack in my nest! So, it's simple... just chunk up a mango and put it in your blender with about 1 1/2 cups of coconut water (I buy a flat of these individual cartons at Costco and use one carton per mango), then add in a dash or two of cayenne pepper. A squeeze of fresh lime juice is really good too, if you have it. Blend until really smooth and creamy (mangoes can be fibrous, so you may have to blend longer than you think). Then pour it into a glass and drink it with a straw. YUM!

You can also freeze this yummy concoction in popsicle molds for icy cold, refreshing mango pops!

Do you have any favorite mango recipes? I'd really love to hear them!

{Linking up with Heather for the "This Week in My Kitchen" series...}


  1. I've gone a bit mad on mangoes too this summer. But I just eat them as they are. Thanks for giving me some new inspiration.

  2. Fellow mango lovers Deb, Ock Du Spock, and Heather... thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. Oh, interesting. I tend to just eat mangoes as they are...or put them into a salsa with some tomato and cilantro and cucumber and red onion...probably my favorite salsa on earth.
