

Summer Kitchen: Kid-Made Granola

The girls made granola this week, each creating their own mix. Both started with three cups of rolled oats, 6 tablespoons of coconut oil, 4 tablespoons of raw honey, and 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt - all mounded in a pie pan. Then they added their choice of mix-ins from cinnamon, sliced almonds, sunflower seeds, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, unsweetened shredded coconut, and nut butter. They stirred it all up (using both a spatula and hands) and spread their blends out in their pans. We then baked them at 300 degrees for about 40 minutes (stirring occasionally).

After cooling the granola, we put each girls' blend into a glass jar, labeled with their creations' respective name. They both took so much pride in their homemade granola mixes and we've enjoyed munching and sharing them all week. This is a great way to get your kids involved in the kitchen!

{Linking up with Heather today for the "This Week in My Kitchen" series...}


  1. What sweet photos. We love homemade granola... I've yet to try it with cocoa powder, we may just have to give that a try! Thanks for sharing! xx Katy

  2. What a fantastic idea! Love this :) Love the sound of their mix ins as well!

  3. Sounds like they had a great deal of fun! Great idea!

  4. Lovely. I miss having a little helper in the kitchen. Although I get a big one sometimes. The granola looks delicious and I love the storage jars. Did you paint the blackboard paint label on?
    Thanks for letting us peep into your kitchen.
    Have a happy holiday weekend.
