

Welcome Fall Party (Part 2) ~ Nature Weavings

Well, I've been waiting to share our craft project from our Autumnal Equinox party until everyone's was finished...  but I'm not sure when that might happen. Mine is done though - so I'm sharing!
After dipping and decorating our caramel apples, we got deep into creating fall nature weavings. I made looms from recycled cardboard and yarn/twine (see the tutorial I followed here). Then we wove in all kinds of yarns, ribbon, and natural bits and bobs. We were all ridiculously engaged, weaving right through dinner time, until, finally, my sweet hubby ordered a pizza!
The girls enjoyed working with soft & fluffy yarns and fringed ribbon in pinks and pastels. My mother and I really got into the more natural textiles - burlap, hand-stamped linen ribbon, silk sari ribbon, and hand-spun wool yarns (some with bits of shredded newspaper incorporated). We tucked and wove in pine needles, twigs, acorns, dried leaves, and feathers - an ode to the season.
Everything we used came from our existing stashes & collections - it was a completely repurposed & recycled craft that satisfied the creative spirits of three generations.
The girls' pieces are still a work-in-progress, awaiting another burst of creative energy. I hung mine from a found stick and added a few more touches - some pinecones and fall leaves, as well as a fringe with wooden beads. After doing it once, I'm eager to make a bigger loom and try my hand at this again!

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