

Garden Harvest + Inspired Meals

I feel like I've been pretty negligent in tending my garden this season. Yet, it's still producing. I went out on Friday to harvest some collard greens, which were to be part of a meal I was preparing for a family going through a very challenging time. The lighting was great, so I ran back in to grab my camera and shoot a few pics. 
So, I ended up harvesting a lot more than collards... the bounty filled my dining table: collard greens, kale, mixed greens, swiss chard, tatsoi, green onions & chives, cauliflower, tomatoes, nasturtiums, herbs, zinnia, and a couple of loofahs. I also picked a few oranges and lemons, though clearing those trees is another day's work.
I feel so blessed to have all this fresh, homegrown food - and happy I could share some too! I cooked up the collards southern style, along with some slow-cooked honey BBQ ribs, a sourdough bread boule, and apple crisp. The meal - and an edible bouquet of nasturtiums, basil, rosemary, parsley, and dill - was all packaged up and delivered to my grateful friend and her family. Yesterday, I roasted the cauliflower and turned the kale into a house-favorite, massaged kale salad - perfect with backyard-lemon-and-herb roasted chicken. Harvest inspired meals to come: tatsoi, basil, & feta quiche (love this with a creamy tomato bisque); pasta with swiss chard, tomatoes, & chicken sausage; and quite a few mixed greens salads.

It's a good time to live in Florida! (Somebody please remind me come July.)

xoxo - Liz

PS - To me, keeping a basic kitchen garden & growing fresh flowers are important parts of creating a holistic home. I'll be talking about this - and more - in my upcoming new eCourse A Natural Nest. Won't you join in? Learn more and reserve your space here.

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