
Slowing Down

Time slowed down today as both girls were home sick with colds. It occurred to me, at some point, that I couldn't name the last day we were all home, all day - no preschool, no parks, no parties. Just a simple, slow day in jammies. We colored, read books, listened to music and played made up games on the floor. Selby used up an entire roll of tape to decorate her kiddie table with Sage's blocks...Nana brought Daisy by for some pet therapy...

And we made fresh ginger cookies for a snack.Overall, despite the sneezing, sore throats and weepy eyes, it was a sweet day. We keep so busy all the time, always running from one activity to the next, I often forget to "schedule in" time to just be together in our cozy nest. It is here, in these gaps, that we discover the simplest pleasures in the most ordinary of things. Next time, we'll just skip the snot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club! I will be the first to admit that I am so relieved that I don't have to get up at 6 a.m. to rush around and get Thing One to school anymore.

Three cheers for being in the present (even with sick babes) rather than wishing you were all elsewhere.