
May the Force Be With You

My Jedi Nephew, Ethan!

On the past new moon, I was unable to attend my New Moon Circle due to some sleeping issues we are working out over here with our littlest chick. So after the girls were asleep, Daddy Bird joined me in a long discussion about our intentions for this lunar cycle. We closed with a joint affirmation: "I am a positive force in the present moment." During more challenging moments, I've been calling on this affirmation to perform a Jedi mind trick on me.

Then, in the characteristic synchronicity of the Universe, I came upon a chapter in Sarah Napthali's Buddhism for Mothers of Young Children entitled "What Does This Moment Require?" The chapter not only reminds we have a choice in the way we respond to each moment, but pulls from Buddhist teachings to offer suggested positive responses! These include joy, compassion, humor, solitude, patience and generosity.

So I've been finding myself asking the question - what does this moment require of me? - quite often. And then pulling from one of the teachings. With demanding children at my feet so much of the time, I have called on patience and humor quite a bit. When something or someone irritates me, I try and respond with joy and compassion. And so forth...

Have I just been waiting for these mind states to appear on their own? Too often I was falling back on anger, irritation and criticism; not exactly a mindful path. But I am learning. And today, armed with new tools, I reaffirm my choice to be a positive force in the present moment.

May the force be with you too.

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