
Final Thoughts on Compassion

Saturday marked the final day of my 30 Days of Compassion. Away on a long weekend road trip with the family, I was totally disconnected and unable to share my final thoughts on the subject. However, hours in the car, and relaxing by the Gulf, allowed me some space to reflect:

Compassion is unconditional love. First, for ourselves. Then, for all other sentient beings - those we love, those we hardly know, those we've never heard of, and those who push us to our limits.

Compassion is replacing quick judgment with deeper understanding.

Compassion is accepting the moment just how it is - good or bad, pretty or ugly - instead of avoiding, suppressing and resisting it.

Compassion is knowing we are all the same, and acting accordingly.

Compassion is showing kindness to all.

Compassion goes beyond the "I'm sorry for your suffering" to the "I'll help alleviate your pain."

Compassion is the opening of your heart to living life to the fullest, with all its juicy, fragrant goodness, as well as its smelly, scratchy icky parts.

Compassion is the kind of life I want to live.

Thank you for joining me on this journey! I am so grateful for your support.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Lovely. Good advice for me this morning!