The smell of melted crayons filled my kitchen over the weekend, transporting me back 30 years to memories of my own Kindergarten crafts. For two days, I worked alongside my next-generation Kindergartner, peeling, sorting and melting crayons; then pouring them into a heart-shaped ice cube tray (Ikea) to cool. We layered colors, swirled hues together and added glitter. In the end, 38 unique, handmade, heart-shaped crayons were ready to be added to 19 goodie bags.

Working in rotation with the crayon hearts, my gal made old-school Valentines for each of her classmates. Construction paper, doilies, glitter and sequins... why does anyone forgo this time-honored ritual for character-printed, mass-produced little cards? It all took me back in time to those days of early childhood, where glue and glitter and the scent of melted crayons filled my world. It's so fun to get to do it all again!
oh liz! we did this too and it was so much fun!
i found heart-shaped muffin molds (the bendy/flexible kind) at the thrift shop and we had so much fun making heart shaped crayons!
We made construction paper and glitter valentines this weekend, too! I never thought to make heart-shaped crayons, though. We've only ever made round ones.
My boy's teacher discouraged us from addressing each valentine, they are only to say "to my friend". Kind of a bummer, if you ask me.
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