

Filling the Well (+ Blog Love)

I've written about the concept of "filling the well," or restocking your creative reservoir, before (see this post and this one). Looking back, it seems my soul naturally craves replenishment at the onset of each spring. So it came as no surprise when, this morning, I recognized the need to gather inspiration and creative nourishment from the world around me.

Over the past six weeks, I've been deeply immersed in the natural world while leading my nature journaling e-course. So while I'd normally turn to nature to fill my well, I felt pulled to venture in a different direction today. I decided to check in with some of my favorite muses online. There are so many wonderful women out there, writing so passionately, sharing so openly, and inspiring so effortlessly!

Do you need to fill your well? Below is a list of some of the muses, and their blogs/websites, that help fill my well, for you to browse and enjoy. Will you share your favorites too? Head on over to my Facebook page and give a little link love to the blogs that inspire you most!

A Little Blog Love

Now head on over to Facebook and share who fills your well!


  1. What an honor to be included on your list! You are doing wonderful & amazing things - looking forward to all that's ahead!

  2. thank you so much for including me in this amazing list!

    i am really honored!


  3. Honored to be listed here with such fine writers and bloggers ... and, oddly, I share the same list of inspiration. Those I havent' checked out, I absolutely will. xx Thanks for mentioning Awesomely Awake.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your muses!
    I discovered many lovely and inspiring new blogs,
    warm greetings from Holland, sas
