

Sping Is In the Air

The last couple of weeks have been packed full here in our nest with all kinds of demanding, though mostly good, happenings... so I've been on an involuntary blogging break. Along with being out of town two weekends in a row (to visit with longtime friends, and then to reunite with all kinds of family at a wedding), some serious springtime prep has been occurring! As the season of rebirth, renewal, and growth emerges, I've been... 

...wrapping up the winter session of my first e-course, "A Sense of Place," and lining up the spring session (registration is open here!). Look for an excerpt from the course, and a chance to win a spot in the next session, over in the Spring Issue of Rhythm of the Home, publishing Wednesday!
...writing about edible flowers, microgreens and sprouts for the Spring issue of Edible Sarasota, and waxing poetic about eggs for the Spring issue of Rhythm of the Home.
...prepping garden beds and starting seeds for my spring home garden, including lots of flowers (zinnias, strawflowers, statice, cosmos, nasturtiums, indian blanket, borage, thai red roselle); herbs (dark purple opal, cinnamon & lemon basils, sage, dill); some new-to-me tomatoes (red and gold currant, green zebra, Arkansas Traveler pink); more leafy greens (baby bok choy, tatsoi, sorrel, butterhead lettuce, red russian kale, rainbow chard); as well as lemon squash, dragon's tongue bush beans, and some hot peppers.
...working with both girls' classrooms to prep their gardens for seasonal plantings. Last week we pulled weeds, and this week we'll plant a Florida-native-style three sisters garden of sorghum, seminole pumpkins, and liana (yard long beans). Next up: butterfly gardens for both outdoor classrooms!

Meanwhile, the citrus trees are blooming, the weather is warming up, the birds are singing loudly, and the kids' spring break is only two weeks away! Spring is blooming here for sure... how about where you are?


  1. Spring's not exactly blooming here in the UK - a bitter east wind and foggy dampness make it seem more like the depths of winter! BUT there are some welcome signs of life: crocuses out, daffodil-spears shooting up, lovely lamb's tail catkins and, of course, February fair maids (snowdrops - and a pet name for my daughter who has a February birthday).

  2. Rachel, I love that you are noticing the signs of spring where you are, despite the wintry weather. Little blooms of hope! :-)

  3. wow! you are so busy!

    i love the idea of a florida friendly three sisters garden.

  4. Yes, Amy, it's that time of year! Watch for an update ont he 3 sister's garden to come... I'm receiving guidance from our local Florida Native Plants Nursery ( - GREAT resource! ... but looks like coming cold temps will postpone planting for another week.
