Across cultures and decades, feathers have been objects of admiration, reverence, and wonder. Some believe when you find a feather on your path, it represents a message from a spirit guide, or angel. Some say it's a symbol of luck; and others claim it's a reminder that you're "on the right path."

I find a lot of feathers on my path. And every one of them brings me joy. Sometimes, however, a feather will jump out at me, begging for my attention by showing up in an unexpected location, or flashing spectacular colors or patterns. When this happens, I try to pay attention to its meaning, and how it pertains to me, and/or the moment. Recently, I found a small blue jay feather in my driveway. Its beautiful blue hue stands out from the many neutral-toned plumes I've picked up this summer.

A quick online search revealed a meaning that really resonates with me right now: The blue jay reflects that a greater time of resourcefulness and adaptability is
about to unfold. You are going to have ample opportunities to develop and use
your abilities. The jay does not usually migrate, staying around all winter, so
look for there to be ample time to develop and use your energies to access new
levels. It will stay around and work with you as long as you need it (source: Ted Andrew’s Animal-Speak).
All this got me thinking about all the feathers, and their respective special meanings and messages, that I've collected* over the years. Wishing I'd kept a record, I've decided to begin a journal for just this purpose. I also thought it would be fun to share a special feather find here each month, starting with August and the blue jay.
If you're a fellow feather spotter, or collector, I'd really love to know what shows up on your path (leave a comment here, or post a picture on my Facebook page). If you're not... perhaps you'll start watching for a little feather magic to come your way!
* In researching a few things for this post, I learned about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, which essentially makes feather collecting illegal for most all bird species. What?! With this knowledge in mind (ignorance was bliss), I'll have to rethink my future feather gathering habits. Are you familiar with this law? What are your thoughts on collecting found feathers?
What a great idea! I think I will start recording my feather findings in my nature journal, thanks!
We have a collection of feathers, as my little man seems to drawn to them. He finds them everywhere we go. They sit on the nature table in a vase.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Kim, I'm glad you'll join me in this! Perhaps I'll add it to the fall session of A Sense of Place...
I often wondered about found feathers - thank you for the heads up! The other day a scraggly crow feather was on the sidewalk in front of me. I picked it up and set it aside; it was pretty rough looking and I didnt want to bring any tiny critters home. Kinda wish I'd carried it home anyway. =/ Will be more mindful next time.
Annette ~ A feather from a crow is said to symbolize "balance, release from past beliefs, skill and cunning." You can accept its message without collecting the feather! (And fyi, I often put mine under warm running water to wash off critters, etc.).
I take them and pennies from heaven as signs from my son.
I take them and pennies from heaven as signs from my son.
''The LORD shall cover you with His FEATHERS
and under His Wings shall you TRUST... His TRUTH
shall be your shield and your buckler ... and He will
give His ANGELS charge over you to KEEP you in
al your ways.'' Psalms 91
My previous comment says my son's should've said Donna S!
Although it doesn't look like it posted.. Found 2 blue feathers today. I found comfort in them since ive been going through a rough patch lately.
I found 2 blue jay feathers in one day in completely different locations! I relate totally! I have often found neutral colored feathers and take them as a sign I'm on the right track. The blue hue stood out to me too; as well as the exact same symbolism you have cited!
Yesterday I found a blue jay feather walking my dog and this morning my dog decided to poop twice and I had no more bags. While I was walking across the park to grab a bag from the park's dispenser I found 2 more blue May feathers in the exact same spot. This made me feel like a little kid inside. My grumpy mood from having to walk across the park to grab another bag just made me happy and excited as ever :)
Today, 18 December, 2017, I found a perfect fallen blue jay feather on my way down my long, tree-lined gravel driveway, on my old secluded farm. I live where these birds are rare, have only seen one in 10 years around my house, and had not seen him except once, a month ago, in several years. Today marks a new beginning for me, in many ways, and finding this feather seems quite cosmic, as blue-jays are my favorite bird, and so very rare,in my state. Thank you, Spirit.
I have found today 2 bluejay feather and a couple dove fearherf while walking in the yard. I have found over time a hawk feathers and a few other kind. I started making dreamcatchers as my way of displaying these feathers and bring deeper meaning to the crafts I make.
I found a blue jay feather inside my work location last week and 2 days later (saturday) i found one in my driveway. I couldnt even believe it!
Someone gave me a blue feather with black stripes and I don't know what to think about it
10 years ago, I found a beautiful white feather on the driver’s seat of my locked and closed up car. It was sat right there in the middle of my seat. I knew a little about the protection of white feathers, so I popped it in my sun visor and apart from musing now and again about how on earth it got there, I thought little more about it.
It wasn’t until about three months later that my family were reeling/mentally healing from the miraculous avoidance of a head on collision that I thought about the white feather again. My little car contained three of our precious children, two dogs, my partner and I. My partner is quite tall and he wasn’t a fan of driving my little car so had only driven it a couple of times before, thankfully on this day I insisted he drove as I felt bone weary tired.
When we were in the throes of the incident I muttered ‘oh my god!’, it all went in slow motion, just like they say it does. My partner; with what I later truly believed to be help from the angels, got the car off the road and out of the path of a thoughtless driver overtaking multiple vehicles on a blind bend. My partner pointed the car left up a steep bank- in a split-second decision, from merrily travellling 50 miles per hour to being suddenly stationery between two trees, tilted precariously sideways on a steep bank. Hurtling up the grassy steep bank somehow took all the speed away instantly, so we stopped quickly and naturally.
Apart from the mental effects there was no injury to any party and just mud and tufts of grass on the car undersides. Looking back and every time we pass that steep bank and those trees (that are only really a cars length apart from each other) it seems impossible that we ended up safe. Witnesses at the scene couldn’t believe how we managed to avoid it either. The police said had we hit with the other vehicle it would have been catastrophic for all involved. To this day I marvel that the white feather was a sign and had protected us.
Today I was unpacking my hospital bag from day surgery that I had last week and at the bottom of my bag I found a Blue Jay feather, that is how I found your blog to discover its meaning. Where it came from? Who knows? but I have put it onto my dream catcher so it can do its thing however it sees fit.
I love your "feather" journal idea! I found a blue jay feather in my yard...just when I was seeking some wisdom about my amazing how our Creator answers you...
I always see feathers but never pick them up but recently they seem to be calling me the first one was a hawk and then a blue jay and one I can’t identify since then they seem to give me some comfort with everything that’s going on in our world
Hi there! On my walk back home from taking my daughter to her 1st day of daycare I not only found 1 Blue Jay feather but 4 all laying around one another! Not to mention I just thought to myself the other day how awesome it would be to have one of their feathers!! I love how Spirit is always talking and encouraging me!
I found a beautiful feather this morning Texas
I too am a feather finder - sadly I lost them in a recent relocation - I did however manage to keep my tiny woodpecker feather and a few days ago found a long blue jay feather - oddly enough not too long before this happenstance (a week or two) my brother and I were discussing my love for feather collection and I said to him I'VE YET TO FIND A BLUE JAY FEATHER AND BAM low and behold I have one now - p.s. I don't believe in coincidences ❤️
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