

Map Making with Imagine Childhood + a Giveaway!

"The topography of childhood is in a constant state of transformation.

Maps can mark these changes. Maps are made to remember how to get

back to important places, and childhood deserves a good map."

~ Sarah Olmsted, Imagine Childhood
Before I'd even read a word of it, I knew I'd love Imagine Childhood, Exploring the World Through Nature, Imagination, and Play, by Sarah Olmsted, co-creator of the blog and store of the same name. I was captivated by the book's images, which seemed to perfectly reflect the magic of both nature and childhood. I was enchanted by the names of the projects and activities, such as Boats for Sailing Imaginary Seas, Wishing Kite, and Magic Lantern. And when I began reading, I was equally delighted! Sarah's heartfelt prose transported me back to the world of childhood. She offers 25 invitations to create and adventure alongside your children, as well as inspiration and encouragement to explore the world through the eyes of a child. Imagine Childhood truly celebrates being a kid, and speaks to any parent interested in nurturing a child's imagination, and preserving the spirit of this special time! Take a peek inside the book here, and read on for a chance to win your own copy.

Mapping our Home

Inspired by a section in Imagine Childhood titled Adventures in Cartography: Making Your Own Maps, I invited my gals to create their own maps one afternoon. After some discussion on different types and forms of maps, both decided to map our home on a square of plain, white cotton muslin. They were super-enthusiastic and dove right into their cartography work, using fabric markers and paints, each working to reflect their individual perspective of our space. 
This project, like several others in the book, is simply intended to serve as a stepping-off point that sparks curiosity and creativity. There are no step-by-step instructions, just guidance and inspiration (although many of the book's other projects are detailed tutorials). I followed in the same spirit, and let my girls create in any way they wished. I love what transpired... Sage wanted a compass, so we explored direction in relation to our home. Selby wanted her map to look aged, so we experimented dying it in tea. Once complete, we sewed a small ribbon to one end, so it could be rolled up and tied shut.
It was fascinating to see how the girls mapped out our home. Both included their rooms, the backyard play space, and our garden. Selby placed our home in Fairy Land, which included a Fairy Palace and Misty Mountain. And Sage's turned into a treasure map, used by all to find a hidden pumpkin in her room. She was so excited by the project, she spent the rest of the evening creating a spotting scope from an empty paper towel tube, to accompany her treasure mapping adventures!

Would you like to explore map making with your family? Sarah has provided a free PDF of Adventures in Cartography: Making Your Own Maps from Imagine Childhood! (Click link to download.)


The Giveaway!

And there's more... Sarah is also giving away a copy of her book to one lucky reader! Leave a comment on this post for a chance to win; stop by and like A Natural Nester on Facebook for another chance (be sure to leave another comment here and let me know). While you're at it, like Imagine Childhood too (again, leave a separate comment here to let me know) for yet another chance at winning. A winner will be announced next Friday, October 4th. Contest closed.
Congratulations to Marcela at Naturally Fun Days, you won!


  1. I like a natural nester on facebook

  2. liked imagine childhood on facebook

  3. LOVE a natural nester! (You might write a book next!)

  4. And now I like imagine childhood too!

  5. Thank you for the chance to win such a fabulous prize!

  6. love this! thank you for the chance :)

  7. I would love a copy of this book! What a fun activity!

    Kate in NH

  8. I liked Imagine Childhood on fb. Thank you!

    Kate in NH

  9. Would love this book!!! Thank you for the chance.

  10. This would be a fabulous addition to our homeschool year!

  11. I like a natural nester on Facebook.

  12. I also like imagine childhood :)

  13. I like Natural Nester on FB. Thanks!

  14. I liked Imagine Childhood on FB!

  15. I liked NN on FB...great stuff!
    Rosalyn in IN

  16. I liked NN on FB...great stuff!
    Rosalyn in IN

  17. This Book looks great!

  18. Liked A Natural Nester on Facebook.

  19. Like Imagine Childhood on Facebook.

  20. I will be teaching mindfulness and yoga to kids and this would be a great resource for activities to do with the kids! Love the ideas!

  21. This book looks great... my oldest who is 14 said she would love to do projects with her younger siblings as well :)

  22. I liked natural nester on facebook

  23. I liked Imagine Childhood on facebook

  24. I always wanted this book! When I tried to order it they can't ship it to my country! I should keep trying! Love it!

  25. Would love to win this great book!

  26. This book would be very useful for my outdoor preschool! Thanks for the chance to win it!

  27. Already liked natural Nester and now Imagine Childhood!

  28. liked you in facebook. Oh will cross my fingers now!
    Thanks for the chance.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. An I liked Imagine Childhood- looks like they have some great ideas to do.

  31. This book would be so much fun- I liked Natural Nester!

  32. Downloaded the map idea- Love the Giveaway, can't wait to do the map idea with my kids!

  33. Would absolutely love to win this!!!

  34. What an enchanting idea it is to watch children discover new treasures in their surroundings as they grow into big people. This book would be a great inspiration to me and the young 'Wildlife Warriors' I'm teaching in primary schools!
    I've very much liked A Natural Nester on Facebook.
    P.s. Don't forget the Friday 4th Oct is World Animal Day!

  35. And liked Imagine Childhood as well - thanks for introducing me to that one. :)

  36. What a great book! I'd love to have a copy!

  37. Liked Natural Nester on FB.

  38. Liked Imagine Childhood on FB!

  39. I would love to win! Thanks, Peggy

  40. This book has been on my list for some time. Would love to win a copy.

  41. omg! I loooooooove Imagine Childhood! this is so excited for you!!! so happy for ya! xoxoxo

  42. I would love a copy of this book. It looks great!

  43. This is exciting! I'd love to read the book!

  44. I've been wanting to read this book for a while! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  45. I Like Natural Nester on Facebook.

  46. I like imagine childhood on Facebook.
