

The Welcome-Fall Breakfast + A Nature Exchange Request

Our Autumn Equinox morning celebration came together beautifully, and was enjoyed by my family, my sister, and my niece & nephew. (Get the recipes here). It turned out to be a hot and humid day, so all our "fall festivities" were followed by a swim in the pool! Ah, Florida.
Speaking of which, we don't have many traditional, natural signs of fall here in our neck of the woods... so we're looking for an infusion for our nature table! Anyone interested in a nature exchange? I'll send you a few Florida fall goodies (berries, seed pods, sea shells, native grass seedheads, and such) in exchange for some fall leaves, and whatever else you may have. Leave a comment here with contact info, or send me an email if you're interested!

1 comment:

  1. I would be in for a little nature exchange. We are still waiting for the leaves to fall, but give them a week or two and I can get some in the mail for you with some other little fall treats from the north :)

    kimcorrigan_oliver at hotmail dot come
