

It's Here... Up and Away ~ a travel journal mini-ecourse

It's been quiet here on the blog... but not in my nest. We are in our first week out of school (yippee!), and while the girls are enjoying a slower pace, I've been busier than usual.

This week, I sent off my column and an article for the summer issue of Edible Sarasota Magazine, both packed full of recipes to beat the heat. I'm working on A Sense of Place ~ Summer, my seasonal nature journaling eCourse (look for it live, soon!). And I'm so excited to announce my latest project... Up and Away - it's a mini-eCourse designed to help you create a travel journal. So if you're going up and away this summer, check it out! This no-pressure, self-directed course is full of fun, inspiring ideas to get your juices flowing while you're traveling.

And if that's not enough busyness (I'm ready to slow down!), I've also been prepping for my community food & craft swap tonight, and bracing for my gal's 10th birthday party tomorrow evening. We're expecting seven little ladies for a French Pool Party Sleepover - all straight from the mind of a 10 year old girl. Whew!

I'll be back next week... when I will hopefully be back to a normal summer pace, just chilling by the pool and enjoying Mama Scout's Journal Jam, which we also started this week. Fun, fun!

Happy weekending...

and to get your Guide Book today!

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