
From My Notebook

I don't have the time I once had to devote to regular journaling. So recently, I began recording small bits of inspiration, quotes, ideas, random thoughts, funny things the girls do or say, etc., in a beautiful journal I got for my birthday. I thought it might be fun to share a few of my notes now and then. Here's a sampling from this week:

  • "Focus on the patient work of taking care, rather than the buzz of acquiring and accomplishing." (I can't remember where I found this quote on mothering, but I have recalled it many times this week.)

  • Selby is all about marriage and weddings right now. Usually, she pretends to marry daddy or her beloved friend Banyan; today she married "an invisible man." (hmm...)

  • I have been fantasizing about living like SouleMama...knitting by a warm fire, making homemade pies and canning my harvest, and taking long walks through Autumn woods. I realize I will never live this type of rural life, at least not as a young mother residing in the suburbs by the beach. So I am loving living rurally through her fabulous blog. And I am inspired to enjoy the beauty and blessings right here in my world. There are so many...

  • Sage is now 11 months old and I can't figure out how this is possible. Wasn't it just yesterday she was born into our cozy nest? My eyes can hardly recognize the little person she is becoming. My heart both breaks and swells with love as she grows and changes by the day.

  • Day 5 of "quarantine" with the girls - I have discovered there is very little that two ibuprofen and two cups of hazelnut coffee can't get you through.

So now you've had a peek inside my notebook; I'd love to hear your thoughts on my thoughts!


Anonymous said...

I am all about SouleMama, too. I read her blog every day and I am so inspired by her.

I love your idea of jotting down small little mama notes. It seems there's no time for lengthy journaling anymore, but a few lines or two a day is totally do-able.

Hope you are feeling better!

marcychapman said...

Congrats! You are a survivor!
Notebook thoughts are "A Good Thing"......keep going. Hugs, Marcy/Nana

Anonymous said...

I just love the 2 ibuprofin and 2 cups of hazelnut quote! You know me and my "remedies" for raising two small children....luckily they've not both been sick at once for a while...hmmm, can I take that back? No jinkes, ok ...Maggie