
Purple Rain

I drove up to my house this morning and it was raining purple. My garden and driveway and walkway were all covered in a soft layer of lavender. Sage and I got out of the car and walked into the front garden. Blossoms from the mighty Jacaranda tree floated down all around us with each breeze. The sun shone just right, the birds were singing... the moment was magical. And I felt peace.
This feeling of deep contentment, of awe, of being completely & happily in the moment, is a feeling I haven't had enough lately. Much of the time I'm over busy, anxious, stressed and teetering on the edge of burnout. So I'm trying something new. A basic refocus on my well being. More exercise, deep breathing and mediation. A better balanced diet. Herbal supplements. More creative time spent writing, reading, knitting and learning to sew. Less TV and, finally, less computer time. And so I'm taking a little break from this space. Some time to disconnect so I can reconnect with my essence.

Many blessings to you...

"Honey, I know, I know, I know times are changing,
It's time we all reach out for something new..."
- Prince, "Purple Rain"


Kangaroo said...

and also to you, mama bird. you are wise and i wish you peace and growth during this rest.

Liquid Pen said...


SwedeLife said...

Well now you mention, I got goosebumps too. Hope things are well, and if not, wish I was there to loan an ear. Sending you strength from across the ocean.

catching caterpillars said...

enjoy this rest... and enjoy purple rain... it's beautiful!

Heather said...

Taking time is so important. You are right, the creative time is what keeps us going ,recharges us, and makes us feel deeply connected to the world around us. While I looks forward to your return, I wish you a wonderful bit of relaxation