Everywhere we looked, we saw things we loved... old typewriters and dried flowers... rustic bread boards and salvaged windows... sheepskin throws and crates of antlers... It was a mix of vintage, salvage, handmade, repurposed, and only a dash of commercial products. I picked up a few treasures to bring home, including a fabulous old typewriter table to hold my blue 1950s Royal machine. The table has a pull out desk and a small drawer that is stocked with aged typewriter paper (remember, that nice textured, thick paper with a watermark?). The kids are having a blast with it!
Many of the vendors wowed us with their creative displays and booths. Those rustic chairs in the top image were balanced atop a fence railing! And I really loved the vignettes created at another booth, like the ones pictured below - little curio cabinets and displays of found and repurposed objects, mixed with ferns, moss, and bits of whimsy. The whole fair was like taking a stroll through my Pinterest pages!
Check out these huge signs hanging among the trees. Yes, there is also a bike, a deer head, and a chandelier suspended in the top picture! (I bought some great mushroom botanical prints "torn from an old gypsy book" from this creative vendor. I plan to mount them on canvases and hang them in my living room.)So, I'm curious... do you like this kind of stuff too? If you want, I'll do a follow up post featuring the goodies I brought home and showing how I'm incorporating them into my nest, using inspiration gleaned from the Country Living Fair. Leave a comment and let me know if you're interested!
xoxo - Liz
Of course I'm interested! Looks like a FABULOUS time!
Yes please! I've been waiting for these pictures!
Looks like so much fun! Yes, I would like to see more pictures. I must admit I'm a little bit jealous! ; ) Thank you! Marie
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