
Setting My Sights...

I believe we can manifest whatever we want in life. The most powerful example of this I have experienced was the birth of my youngest daughter, Sage, last November. I knew what I wanted her birth to be and I created it through visualization: a morning birth, in the water, at home, with my oldest daughter Selby present. Every element fell into place and it was truly amazing.
Since then, with all the chaos of raising two babes, keeping house and working when I can, I haven't put much attention on what I want in my life now. At the suggestion of an intuitive, Jeff and I have begun work on a vision board to visually represent things we want to do, be or have in our lives. We have set it up, as guided, in four quadrants: wealth & prosperity, love & marriage, health & self-cultivation and travel, friends & family; plus a career area in the center.
We've just started and it's already helping us focus on what's important to us, both individually and as a couple. Here are just a few things I'm setting my sights on now: a natural flow of money, dates with Jeff, a sleeping baby, writing my book, a relaxing vacation, a whole food diet.
If you're familiar with the metaphsyical law of attraction, you know we attract into our lives whatever we put our attention on - good or bad. This vision board is an opportunity to spotlight our dreams and then watch as they effortlessly and gracefully manifest into reality. Now, back to the board...


Kangaroo said...

what a fine idea (the vision board)! i love your birth pictures, and will always look at them remembering the energy they gave me for my own labor a few weeks later.

Anonymous said...

we must be on the same exact wavelength :)