
Slowing to a Stop

On Friday, I was struck down with the flu for the third time this winter (fourth if you include the stomach flu). This time, it took up stubborn residence in my sinuses, filling my head with pressure and pain. Finally, I admitted defeat and crawled into bed. For three days I did nothing, truly slowing to a stop for the first time in years. Here is what I discovered:

- I have the sweetest most compassionate husband in the world, who is quite capable of making me the perfect cup of tea, getting Selby to a Girl Scouts field trip, handling a midnight vomiting episode after Sage's overindulgence of birthday cake, and keeping our busy household of six running smoothly with a patience and grace I can only dream of...

- I can be entertained for three days by the community of birds in my backyard: a cardinal family has taken charge of our bird feeder; a dozen blackbirds like to feed on an orange tree across the lake; a couple of mockingbirds can fill an entire day with song; an osprey can plunge from great heights into the lake and catch a fish as big as my foot...

- My mother's chicken soup really does have magical powers; my friend Rose knows exactly how to naturally stave off a sinus infection (I may have the cleanest sinuses in town!); my own simple bedroom can serve an oasis of calm where rest and recovery are truly possible...

- In the span of a weekend, my household can produce a remarkable amount of laundry; junk food can sneak into my kitchen; my children can easily cover nearly every flat surface in the house with toys, books & art; and my desk can be swallowed by mail, school work and every sort of miscellaneous paper....

As I emerge from the fog of sickness this morning, I know I still need to take it slow. I'm resisting the urge to sprint from the starting line and, instead planning an easy day of puttering about my messy house, sipping on chicken soup, folding laundry, watching the birds. And I'm thinking and wondering about how to bring this slower pace to daily life without four rounds of sickness in two months time...


Liquid Pen said...

So glad you are feeling better! What a graceful way to embrace the big stop that can be so very frustrating! Welcome back and do take it easy. Slowly one foot in front of the other...sending you love and comfort and support!

Rose said...

When you get that figured out, let me know!

Hope you're feeling better and better.

kangaroo said...

I love this. I too want to embrace a slower pace without being knocked back to force its acceptance. You inspire me on a regular basis and I'm so glad you can see the beauty in...everything.