START FRESH this Spring.
Revitalize your Body. Connect to Nature.
Root Deep into Yourself. Develop a Strong Sense of Place.
Be WHO you are. WHERE you are. NOW!
Sounds pretty good, right? That's what Stephanie at Wellness by Design and I thought when we read about each other's spring programs. Kindred spirits, we were drawn toward each other's teachings... me toward her spring cleanse, Deeply Rooted, and she toward my seasonal nature journaling course, A Sense of Place. In fact, we're so enthusiastic about these programs, we thought it would be fun for both of us to give away a spot in each one!
We're calling it the Ultimate FRESH START Giveaway, where you have a chance to win a spot in one of the two eCourses... both here on A Natural Nester, and over at Wellness by Design! What better way to harness the energy of spring?
One winner will receive a spot in my seasonal nature journaling eCourse, A Sense of Place. This self-paced program is designed to connect you to nature and your role in it. Read my responses to what Stephanie wanted to know about A Sense of Place in an interview on her site today, and get all the details here.
One winner will receive a spot in my seasonal nature journaling eCourse, A Sense of Place. This self-paced program is designed to connect you to nature and your role in it. Read my responses to what Stephanie wanted to know about A Sense of Place in an interview on her site today, and get all the details here.
Another lucky winner will receive a spot in Stephanie's seasonal cleanse, Deeply Rooted. This gentle10-day, food-based cleanse is designed to support, instead of shock your body into detoxification (begins April 21st). You can read all about it here, but first, I asked Stephanie to provide a bit more insight into Deeply Rooted that I could share just with you. I really love what she has to say about how connected our bodies and well-being are to nature and the seasons!
Deeply Rooted is about getting back in touch with our seasonal selves and to taste
the bounty of what the spring has to offer both on our plates and in our lives.
It’s about rooting deep into ourselves in order to sway with Mother Nature’s dance."
the bounty of what the spring has to offer both on our plates and in our lives.
It’s about rooting deep into ourselves in order to sway with Mother Nature’s dance."
~ Stephanie, Wellness by Design
the spirit of “spring cleaning,” it seems like a natural season for a cleanse.
How is Deeply Rooted tied to the seasons, and specifically, what is
the focus of the spring cleanse?I have been running cleanses for a few years now and immediately recognized the necessity of connecting our needs for inner healing with the seasons. When we look at traditional Eastern healing practices, there is a direct correlation between the seasons and specific organs in our body that need extra support during a particular time. For example, in the Winter cleanse we focused on nourishing the bladder and the adrenal glands. For the Spring, we'll be paying special attention to our livers and our gall bladders.
Each cleanse menu is different, focusing on seasonal nourishing foods that help us gently cleanse our bodies and revitalize our hardworking organs so that we can live with more radiance and health. In this year's cookbook, participants will see familiar foods like strawberries, asparagus, fresh herbs, and other spring favorites, and learn how to work with them in simple yet inventive ways.
During the cleanse, the focus isn't just on food either. Each daily support letter also includes season-specific self-care practices and tips on how to address our emotional state from a seasonal standpoint. I love showing women how connecting to what nature has to offer on our plates and in our bodies allows us to feel more grounded and centered.

with being a certified holistic health coach, I also hold a degree in fine arts.
For me, beauty every day is a non-negotiable. Bringing beauty into our lives,
whether on the plate, through new self-care practices, or in our homes, is
essential in order to reconnect back to ourselves. Each season allows us an
opportunity to tap into its own unique beauty. Bringing flowering branches in
to adorn our eating area, settling into a hot tub for a epsom salt soak for
sore muscles, or making a fresh salad with radishes, sprouts, and plenty of baby
greens are just a few ways we can honor the season beautifully.
advice would you give someone who feels resistant, or fearful, of joining in a
used to BE one of those people! I thought cleanses had to be long, harsh, and
built on deprivation. I wanted something else, so I built it myself. My
cleanses aren't an experience you have "to get through." I am highly
skilled in the kitchen and have developed an immense menu, full of delicious dishes for all times of the day. I am passionate about making healing food
taste amazing, never bland or boring. Many of my past cleanse participants are
surprised at how tasty cleansing can be and don’t even miss the foods we are
especially for the first time, is one of the most empowering things you can do
for yourself! I won't lie, it's not a walk in the park, but you come out on the
other side feeling seriously amazing.

cleanses are never about fasting, restriction, or feeling hungry all day
long. I’ll show you how to take away without feeling restricted and add
back in, in a way that allows you to get the answers you seek.I
like to focus on abundance and I love sharing alternative ways of taking
gentle, loving care of ourselves. It might me a new yoga position, a guided
meditation, or extra encouragement to get outside in the sun for a bit. Seasonal
cleansing is self-care in one of its highest forms.
about the Deeply Rooted spring cleanse might surprise
think that most participants are surprised to see how tasty eating clean can be
and that this program is so NOT based in "bootcamp mentality." It's
totally possible to approach something big like this from a loving and gentle
standpoint and STILL have it be incredibly effective.
Perkinson is a certified holistic health & lifestyle coach and owner
of Wellness by Design. She teaches women how to live
"in-season" by introducing them to the magic that each earth-phase
holds. She gently guides her clients back to balance on their plates, in their
bodies and around their homes. She believes that with loving support,
every body can find it's way home and become deeply rooted wherever
it may be. She is the co-creator, along with her partner Leah Kent, of the popular
e-course Feathering the Nest. A program designed to show women how
to transform their homes into a nurturing soul-space. At Wellness by Design she
brings to life online group programs that embrace beauty, creativity and nature
as vital stepping stones to radiant wellness.
Leave a comment here about what kind of a FRESH START you are dreaming of this spring. Earn extra chances to win by sharing the link to this giveaway on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest and come back here and tell us about it. Winners will be picked randomly this Sunday!
Contest closed.
Congratulations to the Winners!
Deeply Rooted Spring Cleanse ~ mrskrafty
A Sense of Place, Spring ~ Melanie
Congratulations to the Winners!
Deeply Rooted Spring Cleanse ~ mrskrafty
A Sense of Place, Spring ~ Melanie
I'm looking forward to shedding the dulled and worn protective shell of Winter and budding into Spring, along with the dogwoods and lilac. I yearn for my garden to sow her bounty. And the newness of each sunrise, as the dew glistens on the branches like glass.
It has been a l-o-n-g winter this year and I am anxious to shed the constraints and lethargy that can accompany cold weather. I have made a vow to get out and enjoy the outdoors on any day that includes sunshine (it doesn't happen a lot where I live) and so far I have kept that promise.
Was a rough few years....and I am looking to starting new. Eating healthier, thinking healthier thoughts and spending time with my awesome growing family....mrskrafty@yahoo.com
I am looking forward to cleaning out the old and Springing forward in a clean organized clutter free home. I am also looking forward to having my brother who is a missionary in the Visayan Islands in the Philippines come home for a six week visit. I haven't seen him, my SIL, or my nephews for almost three years!
http://www.pinterest.com/pin/259027416042696491/ Posted on pinterest.
https://twitter.com/PhilanthropicHR/status/454168155363876864 Posted on twitter.
https://www.facebook.com/kim.propp I shared on pinterest. If I win, plesae contact me at philanthropicHR@yahoo.com Thanks and God Bless!
Posted on IG, follow me or see it at thelevy6
I also shared on Facebook, the levy 6
I really hope to win a spot in one of your courses. I hope to immerse myself in nature as much as possible after a brutal NY winter. Our family is part of a Weekly farmshare and I can't wait to start getting all the lovely organic veggies each week.
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