Before I share my creation, let me tell you how it all started. Last November, I planted Calendula flowers in the garden, from seed. By early spring, I had big yields of yellow and orange hued blooms, which I pinched off and dried whole on my back porch. Once the petals were dry and straw-like, I picked them off and let them dry some more before adding them to a lidded glass jar.

Once the jar was half full of petals (it didn't take long), I topped it off with some unvirgin olive oil, sealed the lid, and set it out in the sun to do its infusing magic. Every now and then I'd shake it... and after about six weeks the oil became a sunny, golden color. I strained the oil into a clean glass jar, and tucked it into a dark cabinet where it awaited its fate.
Which brings us up to date. This week, I transformed my oil into orange blossom-calendula body cream and lip gloss, based on a few different recipes and some improvisation! I'm sharing my recipes here, but please keep in mind, this is my first try at this folks. It smells divine and feels heavenly on my body and lips, but I'm no expert... so let me know if you try it, and how it works out. Also, if you have experience in this arena, and want to share any tips, fire away!
Orange Blossom-Calendula Body Cream
2 oz. coconut oil
5 oz. calendula oil
2 oz. orange blossom flower water (sold at middle eastern markets)
2 tsp. beeswax
5 drops sweet orange essential oil
Melt coconut oil, calendula oil and beeswax in a double boiler over low heat, stir until blended. Remove from heat and stir in essential oil. Allow mixture come to about room temperature. Put flower water into blender and agitate; while blender is still spinning, slowly pour the oil-wax mixture into the water. Continue mixing until emulsified (the cream will congeal). Pour cream into clean containers and allow to cool. Store in a cool dark place up to one year.
3.5 Tablespoons coconut oil
1/2 Tablespoon calendula oil
1.5 Tablespoons beeswax
3/4 Tablespoon raw honey
15 drops sweet orange essential oil
Melt oils, beeswax and honey in a double boiler over low heat, stir until blended. Remove from heat and stir in essential oil. Allow mixture to cool, stirring quickly until it begins to thicken. Pour lip gloss into containers, and allow to finish cooling and set up.
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