But, I do want to share with you some of the super-creative goodies that were up for swapping this month! There was an unofficial Valentine's Day theme going on, with love potions (both to wear and to drink - pictured above), sweet treats, and cute crafts all up for grabs. So, I'm sharing a bit more "swap love" with you, full of heart-day inspiration!
There was lots of chocolate flowing, including Gluten Free Double Chocolate Walnut Cookie Dough and two chocolate sauces: a chocolate body paint...
...and homemade chocolate syrup.
Bath and body products this month included a rose water astringent for the face, peppermint kissing balm, sparkly pixie dust gel (made by yours truly using this recipe)....
...and rose-scented bath salts, colored naturally with beet and lemon juice!
Sweet and simple crafts included little Valentine mermaid toys...
and a felt rose wreath.
...and my Strawberry Dream Ice Cream, made with balsamic vinegar, strawberries, and goat cheese! (Recipe from Ashley English's Home Dairy book, also found reprinted here.)
Oh, and these beautiful Valentine cards and magnets, created by my sister. I LOVE this card idea!
What are YOU crafting or cooking up for Valentine's Day? Share the love with links to your projects in the comments!
oh my! what a pretty pretty swap!
holy moly! this is amazing!
i want to do something similar here!
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